Remember my last post how I wanted to do a couple of posts before the Olympics started? Well work has been crazy. I've been covering the clinical schedule for the Division, the other administrative assistants have picked up more faculty they are working for, our new Division chief started creating more work, and we are in the process of hiring 3 more assistants. This has put a major dent in my knitting mojo and energy in general. If I had done posts, they would have been something like this.
Post #1
For my Olympic warm up, thought I'd work on the right hand fingerless mitt (for the second time). At first, I believed the mitt had been stretched out when different people tried it on. But after counting the ribbing at the top, realized yup too many stitches were cast on.
Ripped the mitt out at Concerts on the Square and started over (this time with the correct number of stitches)
Not sure exactly how long I worked on this but as you can see the mock cable is very pretty (if I do say so myself).
Alas, I did not finish it before the start of the Olympics but did get up to increasing for the thumb.
Post #2 (would have posted July 27, 2012)
As I mentioned before, work has been crazy. Today I was supposed to be off but thought it may be to my best interest to come in for candidate interviews. For those wanting the short story, is that for a day "off" it sucked! Lets just say I learned a lot that day and the first is that its alright to say "No".
Come on everyone, repeat after me No, Nope, Nadda, Nein, No Way Jose!
Now for those of you who would like to hear the long story, here it is (short story people scroll quickly til you see a picture of a TV with a troll.
The plan was to have a haircut/pedicure and then go to The Cat and Crow in Mt. Horeb for the live broadcast of the opening ceremonies of the Olympics.
Since before this I couldn't say no, I scheduled an interview in the afternoon for the scheduler position as the physician this person needed to interview with was on vacation for the next two weeks. He was available late in the afternoon so I thought no problem, I just won't stay for the entire ceremony. Then this is where I goofed up, candidate for a different position was available in the morning so I did some mental calculations and thought (obviously didn't think hard enough, give me another No! cause you know what I did). Yup went ahead and scheduled the second interview for the morning and rescheduled my haircut/pedi for a little later in the morning.
While waiting for the morning candidate to arrive, received a text and the haircut/pedi were canceled. Ok, that's no problem, just means that I'll have more time in Mt. Horeb and can beat the crowd for a seat, right? Finished the interview and headed over to Mt. Horeb. Grabbed some lunch at Sjolinds (chocolate shop that also has coffee, soups/salads, and pastries) to take back to eat at The Cat and Crow.
One o'clock came and Mo and Rebecca were still doing things around the shop and no-one was really there to watch the opening ceremonies. Come to find out the start of the ceremony was pushed back two hours because it wouldn't be dark enough for the fireworks. Huh? Didn't the folks over in Britain know when it gets dark?
Me and another lady had some the cake that Rebecca and Mo had bought for the party and people were starting to come in when I had to pack it up and head back for the second interview. The second interview ran long and I didn't get home until about 6:30 pm, just in time to cook up some spaghetti, thaw out some sauce I had frozen and watch the record opening ceremonies with the majority of Americans in the comfort of our homes (and yes, thank you for asking, I did start working on my Ravellenic project).
The Cat and Crows Ravellenics Mascot |
Post #3 (Today's actual post)
Don't have much to report as the only knitting that happened was last Friday and Saturday. As you can see, have 13 rows done and will need to kick butt this week if I want to finish 30 rows of chart let alone finish this afghan by the end of the Olympics. Since I've spent time catching you up on posts and still haven't done any knitting this weekend will end with a picture of my progress.
Yes, Rosie I put the afghan on the floor for you to lay on |
Unobstructed view of my progress |