Sunday, September 5, 2010

Back in business... Again

Okey so it has been a while since my last blog but I'm posting now so it has to count for something right? right?

Mom modeling "Carol's Clever Shawl"
Today I spent the day checking out various things on Ravelry and other sites.  As a result, I'm now signed up for two knitalongs, joined a couple of groups that center around reading of books (not a strong point for me but if they are audio books should do better, I hope), posted pictures (here's one of them) and generally got organized (seems to be a theme for me).

In Knitting News:
I frogged the Every Way Wrap back down to the ribbing in August as I was writing notes for the wrap in notebooks (yes plural) and of course couldn't remember which one had the most recent notes.

To further complicate things with the wrap, was also using a row counter that either hung around my neck (purchased a second one as lost the first one) or an app on my iPhone and again after putting the wrap aside for a while lost track of which one (notebook, row counter or iPhone) I should be going by.  Have stopped writing in notebooks/using the phone and instead have a cute row counter that clips right to the project (note to self should pick up a few more well worth the investment when one considers the time lost trying to figure out your d*** notes).

Also using stitch markers at the start of every repeat with a bigger stitch marker clipped right to the wrap holding the remaining markers to count down the repeats.  Currently on repeat #9 of 16 so may have this done by end of month in time for yearly knitting retreat up north where I first saw the pattern and fell in love with it.

Now moving on to organizing my loose leaf patterns that I have purchased/found on the internet that are begging to be put in their appropriate binder. What a wild and crazy life I lead!

1 comment:

EGunn said...

Welcome back to blogging! Carol's shawl looks great. I do the same thing with notes (when I take them). When I have to make a second of anything, there's always some combination of reading my knitting, checking and being puzzled by the notes scribbled illegibly on various bits of paper, and just plain making it up. Row counters attached to projects sounds like a novel idea...