Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Make-up class

Made it to Mount Horeb tonight, to learn the cast on/get started for the class I was supposed to start last Wednesday.  Ended up not going the first night of class as I had an extremely bad cold and as I didn't want to be near myself but with this not being an option, elected not to inflict my germs on the class and stayed home.

Feeling much better now and was able to make headway on the project tonight.  We are making the Elegant Arrows Moebius Scarf by Sivia Harding.  It has a very unique cast on and so far I'm on row 7 of 26.  Next week will be the second (and last) class. We will be putting on beads/binding off so I know what I'll be working on for the next few days!

Pictures to be posted later this week.

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