Couple of weeks ago, was at a standstill on the Top Down Swing Sweater until I could get an opinion from Rebecca about the fit of the sweater. As you can see, it was too big, would benefit from a short row in the back, and ruffles on the bottom (what's up with that?).
Will take out to first increase, add a short row on the back, and knit straight down. Will see how that turns out.
Next on the consultation list was the Every Way Wrap. Diagnosis was that I should do two more repeats and it would then be ready for me to start the last repeat. I'm almost done with the first repeat and can't believe I'm heading into the homestretch on this wrap.
First (almost) finished object to report is the Triplicity shawlette which was the first project in the Knit-along project from Knit Purl Hunter. It just requires some ends to be woven in, blocking and then post picture of totally completed picture on Ravelry. Project isn't done till pictures are posted on Ravelry, right?
Next up in the FO report is the Pioneer Braid Scarf. This pattern just lend's itself beautifully to yarns that gradually shift in color.