My stash is starting to take over my knitroom, I mean bedroom, and need to get things under control. My goals for 2009 are (with reward of accomplishing goal following):
* zero yarn stored out in the open - allow work basket and knitting bag (uncluttered look to room)
* zero yarn under day bed which is rather high - will have spot to put rughooking basket
* blankets/linens not yarn in chest my Dad built - more hiding room for Rosie (family dog) to hid under the bed
* zero projects/yarn on right hand side of closet shelves - no more bags on floor
*update blog on a weekly basis - keeps me honest and work hard on items so have progress to report
Making specific items either for gifts or charity to address specific stash issues (excess of cotton and acrylic singles). They are:
* Preemie hats from cotton scraps
* Dishclothes (thus creating more cotton scraps)
* Yoyo's to make Vanna White's Granny's Daughter afghan - needs around 900+ squares
* Stocking caps, scarves, mittens, baby/childrens sweaters to donate to local knitting guild