On the shawl, there are three different hand-dyed yarns all in the same colorway. Well apparently I forgot which color was next because the last time I switched colors, I joined the wrong one. After a little debate, decided to rip it out because even though it is a gift and I won't see it, will bug me to know that it is there. So I ripped it out and when I got close to the join, this is where it went really really bad.
When I had joined the wrong color, I had ended the row prematurely as well so had to add more yarn for a very brief moment. Then in a fit of efficiency (and because I had messed up my increases/SSKs and was a stitch short which left a hole at the join), I wove in 90% of the ends starting with the big hole (the hole was closed beautifully thank you very much) and had a difficult time finding the ends.
Should have taken a picture last night but this afternoon when I took a picture, it actually helped me see what I need to do. Complete the pink section I'm on, pickup stitches along the orange side so it is joined and should be good to go to start with the correct color, I think (hope).
Time will tell.