Well it has been two weeks and so far haven't hit the 10 hour week work, but today is not over and I'm sooo close (currently at 9.55 hours and last week I ended with 9.63 hours). Here is a quick recap of the my work towards goals.
1) 9 podcasts listened/watched while knitting 11 more to go before audiobook purchase.
2) No projects completed, no money in savings toward loom.
3) No projects completed, no Ravelry shopping cart purchase.
4) No adult sweaters completed, no yarn purchased....
Wait, wait this will get boring really quick if I do this on a weekly basis, think this will be done on a monthly basis.
You may have noticed a few new items on the side bar. If you didn't, please take a moment to look at the Yarn Meter which indicates how much yarn I've knitted this year, pretty nifty eh? Next is a widget that is linked to my Ravelry project page showing the progress on current projects. These are only the projects that I'm actively working on and at least one more shawl and a scarf missing (you should have seen the list before I changed a lot of projects to hibernating!).
The first two projects are the Top Down Swing Pullover and Every Way Wrap. These two are active but on hold until I make it to Mount Horeb and I'm able to consult with Rebecca and/or Mo on these projects. On both of these, I want their opinion on the fit as my bathroom mirror does not give me a very good view of both. The pullover is almost done, just need to knit the collar and two sleeves. While yes I know I could have continued on, it just didn't feel right to continue if I'm going to end up ripping out a portion of the body. The wrap has been on my needles for almost two years and think I have almost completed the correct number of repeats but again wanted their opinion on the fit (hmm maybe I should invest in a full-length mirror?).
Next on the list is the Samovar Shawl which I haven't worked on since before Christmas and halfway feel that this should be moved to hibernation, but I'm so close to being done that having this project visible on the blog will help me get it done, I hope.
The fourth project, Triplicity, is the first project in Knit Purl Hunter's Progressive Needles knit along. I joined the project through Sutter's Golden' Fleece up in St. Germain in October, purchased the yarn while on the crafting retreat, balled up the yarn but then never started this project (and the next two). This week, with the pullover and wrap, on breaks, it seemed like an excellent time to get started on this project. It is progressing quite nicely but it is definitely not something I can knit and do other things, like play cards, have a conversation, etc.
The last project on the list, Tuckernuck Cardigan, was started a year ago as part of a design your own sweater class. Again this project should probably be in hibernation as I can't work on this and the wrap as they are both cabled items and my brain can't deal with two cable projects at the same time, but I want it in view to remind me to get going on things.
Not mentioned, and soon to be posted on Ravlery, are the Pioneer Braid Scarf and Bat Shawl. The Pioneer Braid Scarf, is a project that I can work on while playing cards, which we did with friends today, or have just a few minutes to knit (making it an excellent project to have when out and about). The Bat Shawl is part of another design your own class that I took from The Cat and Crow which is also on a slight break until I can work out of the chart for the next section after the bats (hmm thinking some pictures would be helpful for you, will work on that for next week). The section after the bats is a lace pattern that has a different number of stitches most rows and I'm thinking my stitch count will be way wonky for current number of stitches on needle vs. first row of lace pattern. Need to graph it on paper so I can visualize it better.
Wheel at the store, waiting for a new home. |
My big news this week is that I purchased a spinning wheel. Yes that is correct a spinning wheel. On Tuesday, someone had posted in Ravelry on the On Wisconsin page that the second hand store in Edgerton had a wheel for $15 which had a broken flyer.
Yesterday, I called the store and it was still there. Was still undecided if I should go, and knowing that I would kick myself later if a didn't, that I decided to call Mom to see if she would be interested in driving to Edgerton. Dad answered the phone as she had gone to get the mail and then was going to take my brother who doesn't drive to Madison. Explained to Dad why I was calling, they are always the voice of reason, yes yes the wheel was only $15 but once I have it, that would mean more expenses to get it fixed, then fiber to spin with, etc. and he said for $15 even if you can't get it fixed it would be an excellent decoration.
I figured this was a sign that I should go down to Edgerton as this seemed so atypical for him. Not too sure how well you can see it but the varnish is wearing off, the flyer is most definitely broken and the drive band is missing but these should be easy fixes.
I am unable to find any markings so have no idea what brand of wheel it is other than a traditional. If you have any clues on what type or how to identify it, I would greatly appreciate it. Renee suggested I get in touch with one of the Wednesday night knitters who just had a wheel restored and I plan on doing that soon, just hope it won't cost more than the price of a new wheel!
Oops someone broke the flyer! |