Saturday, October 4, 2008

Getting Started


In an effort to keep me on track with my knitting, I'm starting a list for Christmas 2008. Will add things as I go along and keep ya'll (don't know who I'm talking to but you are known as ya'll now) as to status of projects. My goal is to have over 50% completed by Christmas. And as I can't call in sick now until December 25 (thought for sure the one physician I work for who knits as well would understand and sign off on a note), better get cracking (or knitting)

Mom - socks?
Dad - ?
Mike - socks or vest
Donny - Hat and scarf that I will make at knitting retreat
M - shawl (birthday) + socks
Esa - ?
Jeanette - ?
Lori - ?
Walker - ?
Jason - Transformers dishcloth (will make more but a start)

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